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Oguz B, Ozdal N, Kilinc OO, Serdar Deger M. 2018. Preliminary Studies on the Prevalence and Genotyping of Echinococcus Granulosus Infection in Stray Dogs in Van Province, Turkey.

  • PCR targeted the cox1 gene in E. granulosus from samples isolated from the feces of stray dogs in Turkey. The comparative analysis of the gene to that of E. granulosus isolated from other areas and other mammalian species found a high degree of conservation. Thus, this primer set would likely be useful for detection of E. granulosus across many species. It is also specific to E. granulosus and did not target other Taenia species that were found in feces via microscopy. A molecular-based assay is necessary for accurate detection of E. granulosus since the eggs cannot be distinguished from E. multilocularis and other Taenia species.

Abbasi I., Branzburg A., Campos-Ponce M., Abdel Hafez S.K., Raoul F., Craig P.S., Hamburger J. 2003. Copro-diagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus infection in dogs by amplification of a newly identified repeated DNA sequence.

  • PCR was developed to target a repeated sequence found in E. granulosus. PCR was performed on purified DNA from dog feces. This method had 100% specificity when tested against samples fecal infected with E. multilocularis and higher sensitivity than microscopy methods. Targeting this sequence is advantageous thanks to its relative abundance in the genome.

Salant H., Abbasi I., Hamburger J. 2012. The development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method (LAMP) for Echinococcus granulosus (corrected) coprodetection.

  • A LAMP assay was developed targeting the same repeat region used for E. granulosus identification in Abbasi, et al. in 2003. This strain is thought to be the variety that infects both dogs and sheep. Sensitivity was found to be 50% when only one egg is present in 200mg of feces. This was deemed highly sensitive. It was also specific, yielding no false positives for any of the eight parasites tested which included E. multilocularis. LAMP was read both on an agarose gel and by visual inspection with SYBR Green I stain.