'''From researching Neil Leblanc'''

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Belák, S., Thorén, P., LeBlanc, N., and Viljoen, G. (2009). Advances in viral disease diagnostic and molecular epidemiological technologies. Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 9, 367–381.

Howson, E.L.A., Soldan, A., Webster, K., Beer, M., Zientara, S., Belák, S., Sanchez-Vizcaino, J.M., Van Borm, S., King, D.P., and Fowler, V.L. (2017). Technological advances in veterinary diagnostics: opportunities to deploy rapid decentralised tests to detect pathogens affecting livestock. Rev. - Off. Int. Epizoot. 36, 479–498.

Leblanc, N., Gantelius, J., Schwenk, J.M., Ståhl, K., Blomberg, J., Andersson-Svahn, H., and Belák, S. (2009). Development of a magnetic bead microarray for simultaneous and simple detection of four pestiviruses. J. Virol. Methods 155, 1–9.

Liu, L., Benyeda, Z., Zohari, S., Yacoub, A., Isaksson, M., Leijon, M., LeBlanc, N., Benyeda, J., and Belák, S. (2016). Assessment of Preparation of Samples Under the Field Conditions and a Portable Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for the Rapid On-Site Detection of Newcastle Disease Virus. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 63, e245–e250.

Liu, L., Luo, Y., Accensi, F., Ganges, L., Rodríguez, F., Shan, H., Ståhl, K., Qiu, H.-J., and Belák, S. (2017). Pre-Clinical Evaluation of a Real-Time PCR Assay on a Portable Instrument as a Possible Field Diagnostic Tool: Experiences from the Testing of Clinical Samples for African and Classical Swine Fever Viruses. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 64, e31–e35.

Liu, L., Atim, S., LeBlanc, N., Rauh, R., Esau, M., Chenais, E., Mwebe, R., Nelson, W.M., Masembe, C., Nantima, N., et al. Overcoming the challenges of pen-side molecular diagnosis of African swine fever to support outbreak investigations under field conditions. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 0.

Tenje, M., Xia, H., Evander, M., Hammarström, B., Tojo, A., Belák, S., Laurell, T., and LeBlanc, N. (2015). Acoustic trapping as a generic non-contact incubation site for multiplex bead-based assays. Analytica Chimica Acta 853, 682–688.

Tian, B., Ma, J., Zardán Gómez de la Torre, T., Bálint, Á., Donolato, M., Hansen, M.F., Svedlindh, P., and Strömberg, M. (2016). Rapid Newcastle Disease Virus Detection Based on Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification and Optomagnetic Readout. ACS Sens. 1, 1228–1234. Field‐Deployable Reverse Transcription‐Insulated Isothermal PCR (RT‐iiPCR) Assay for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Foot‐and‐Mouth Disease Virus - Ambagala - 2017 - Transboundary and Emerging Diseases - Wiley Online Library.