Serial Dilutions of Phage

From Microbial Ecology and Evolution Lab Wiki
Revision as of 14:07, 9 March 2023 by Xiwei Huang (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. Label 8, microcentrifuge tubes with 10^-1, 10^-2,10^-3 all the way down to 10^-8 a. These will serve as our dilution tubes 2. Add 900 uL of LB broth to each tube 3. Vortex the phage stock. 4. To the first tube (10^-1), add 100 uL of phage stock and vortex 5. Change the pippette tip. 6. To the second tube (10^-2), take 100 uL of tube 1, add it to the next dilution, and vortex the second tube 5. Repeat step 5 and 6 down to the 10^-8 tube a. Double check yo...")
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1. Label 8, microcentrifuge tubes with 10^-1, 10^-2,10^-3 all the way down to 10^-8

a. These will serve as our dilution tubes

2. Add 900 uL of LB broth to each tube

3. Vortex the phage stock.

4. To the first tube (10^-1), add 100 uL of phage stock and vortex

5. Change the pippette tip.

6. To the second tube (10^-2), take 100 uL of tube 1, add it to the next dilution, and vortex the second tube

5. Repeat step 5 and 6 down to the 10^-8 tube

a. Double check your work by making sure tubes 1-7 have 900 uL of liquid in them, and the last should have 1 mL