Peptide Synthesis

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Revision as of 20:15, 5 April 2019 by PreDec2022>Acastellan45
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Day 1: Weighing Out Peptides

1. Take A.A from the fridge to let them warm at room temperature (This prevents water from condensing into containers which may disrupt the reaction).

2. While warming, set up clean cartridges in a metal rack. To reduce deletion sequences and improve peptide quality, make sure to double couple each peptide.

3. Weigh out each amino acid (A.A) on the scale based on previous calculations for the 0.5 mmol reaction. Pour into labeled cartridge.

4. Parafilm cartridges and place back into the fridge.

  • Time permitting, skip step 4 and add HBTU to the cartidges (refer to Day 2 Protocol)

Day 2: HBTU and Synthesis

1. Remove metal racks from the fridge and allow them to warm at room temperature.

2. Weigh out ~ 0.1896 grams of HBTU. Place into each cartridge.

3. Cap each cartridge with a metal cap and black rubber stopper using the clamp tool.
