Measuring Light with HOBO Loggers

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Revision as of 22:37, 30 October 2018 by PreDec2022>Hoebert
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Version 1

Note: this protocol is taken directly from the protocol that Elly Overton sent to me on Oct. 29, 2018. Jamie Becker also walked me through the steps of this protocol beforehand. All credit goes to them.

Background: This protocol describes how to use the HOBO data loggers to monitor temperature and/or light intensity in a given environment over a defined period of time.


• HOBO Pendant Temperature/Light Data Logger (UA-002-xx) found in the sterile culture tubes cabinet, under the microscopes.

o User manual/website page

• Optic USB Base Station (Base-U-1) found plugged into the computer or in the sterile tubes cabinet

• Beast computer with HOBOware software in the Whalen lab on the third floor of Sharpless #.


1. Plug the USB Base Station into the computer via USB connection on the back of the Whalen Lab computer. Log into the computer using the Whalen Student credentials: Username: WhalenStudent, Password: HCBiology2017 and open HOBOware located on the desktop.

2. Slide the HOBO logger into the base station ensuring that the ridge on the logger fits into the groove on the base station

a. Avoid touching the clear plastic logger case as smudges could interfere with its light sensing ability. Instead, handle it by the black loop on the top

3. Click on the “Launch Device”, icon

a. A screen ... will pop up
b. Under the Sensors subheading in this window you can indicate using check marks if you want to log temperature and or light intensity
c. If you want to add filters to the data being collected (average, maximum or minimum values collected over your designated time period) see step 4
d. Under the Deployment subheading, you are able to set your logging interval (either seconds, minutes, hours or days depending on the memory of the HOBO Logger and what you are trying to measure) and how long you want to log for and then adjust when you want the logger to start logging (could be now or you can set your own starting time point)
e. Press Start to initiate the recording based on your specifications, then disconnect the logger and place it in desired location