Measuring ''A. thaliana'' Phenotype using FIJI

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Protocol: Analyzing Sample Area with ImageJ Written by Rina Rosnow, edited and updated by Hanae Togami Edited by Hope Ebert (Photos of A. thaliana and related results added by Hope)

  1. Open ImageJ
    1. Open image file
    2. Go to file > open
    3. Select desired image
  2. Set scale
    1. Zoom into scale bar on the original image
    2. Select ‘linear selecting tool’ on scale bar
    3. Draw a line along the length of the scale bar on the image by clicking and dragging
    4. Go to analyze > set scale
      1. Enter known distance and units
      2. If the scale bar is the same length in all of your images, check ‘global’ to apply scale bar length to all images
      3. Click ‘okay’