Criblamydia sequanensis

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Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Chlamydiae
Class: Chlamydia
Order: Chlamydiales
Family: Chlamydiaceace
Genus: Criblamydia
Species: C. sequanensis

Criblamydia sequanensis is a nonmotile, star-shaped, obligately intracellular bacterium that grows within host-derived vacuoles. C. sequanensis grows in high numbers in amoebae, and exhibits a developmental cycle consistent with other Chlamydia species[1] C. sequanensis belongs to the class Chlamydia and was the first species to be identified in the Criblamydia genus. C. sequanensis was recovered from a water sample from the river Seine in France and co-cultivated with the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii ATCC 30010.

  1. Whitman. Bergeys manual of systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2015.