Criblamydia sequanensis

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Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Chlamydiae
Class: Chlamydia
Order: Chlamydiales
Family: Chlamydiaceace
Genus: Criblamydia
Species: C. sequanensis

Criblamydia sequanensis is a nonmotile, star-shaped, obligately intracellular bacterium that grows within host-derived vacuoles. C. sequanensis grows in high numbers in amoebae, and exhibits a developmental cycle consistent with other Chlamydia species. C. sequanensis belongs to the class Chlamydia and was the first species to be identified in the Criblamydia genus. C. sequanensis was recovered from a water sample from the river Seine in France and co-cultivated with the amoeba [[[[[Acanthamoeba castellanii]]]]]ATCC 30010.