Criblamydia sequanensis

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Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Chlamydiae
Class: Chlamydia
Order: Chlamydiales
Family: Chlamydiaceace
Genus: Criblamydia
Species: C. sequanensis

Criblamydia sequanensis is a nonmotile, star-shaped, obligately intracellular bacterium that grows within host-derived vacuoles. C. sequanensis grows in high numbers in amoebae, and exhibits a developmental cycle consistent with other Chlamydia species[1][2]. C. sequanensis belongs to the class Chlamydia and was the first species to be identified in the Criblamydia genus. C. sequanensis was recovered from a water sample from the river Seine in France and co-cultivated with the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii ATCC 30010[2].


C. sequanensis was isolated from a sample of water from the Seine river, near the entry of the Morsang-sur-Seine drinking water plant. Environmental samples from this location were generally shown to display bacterial overgrowth with amoebal lysis or encystment, therefore the samples underwent a pan-Chlamydiales specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for screening each well of amoebal co‐culture[3]. Of the eight water samples that were screened, two were found to be positive for Chlamydiales specific primers. These samples were cultured along with Acanthamoeba castellanii for a period of 6 to 14 days. Following this subculturing of these two samples took place with A. castellanii and ampicillin and vancomycin, which led to the recovery of two strains of chlaymdia-like bacteria[3]. One of the two would go on to be proposed as a new species of Chlamydiales, named Criblamydia sequanensis. Criblamydia was derived from the abbreviation CRIB which stands for the Center for Research on Intracellular Bacteria. Sequanisis comes from the Latin name for the Seine River.

  1. Whitman. Bergeys manual of systematics of Archaea and Bacteria. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2015.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Thomas V, Casson N, Greub G. Criblamydia sequanensis, a new intracellular Chlamydiales isolated from Seine river water using amoebal co-culture. Environmental Microbiology. 2006;8(12):2125–35.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ”Thomas”