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===[[Propidium Iodide Staining on Agar Plates]]===
===[[Propidium Iodide Staining on Agar Plates]]===
===[[Spore Assay]]===
===[[Spore Assay]]===
1. Harvest overnight M. xanthus culture during log growth phase, wash twice in TPM, and concentrate to %x10^9 cells/ml. You will likely need several  mL of culture to plate out a spore assay. Each large TPM plate will need 4 groups of 5 20uL spots (400uL per plate, where one plate = 1 replicate). You may wish to use the 15mL conical tubes and the centrifuge in superlab to prepare cells.
2. While you are washing and preparing cells, leave TPM plates open to dry by flame or under the hood so that drying time is lessened. DO NOT leave flame unattended.
3. Divide your plate into quadrants and in each quadrant, spot 5 20uL spots of cells at the proper density, just far apart enough so that your cell spots do not run into each other. Leave plates open until completely dry.
4. Cover plates, invert them, and store in the incubator for 5 days at 32C.
Day 2 (Read ahead to make sure you have the time set aside)
1. Remove plates from the incubator and image if desired.
2. Turn heat block to 50C in preparation, and check that you have enough sterile water to complete the below protocol. For each plate you prepared, you will need 9mL of sterile MiliQ water in a 15mL falcon tube (pre-filling and pre-labeling these tubes is recommended).
3. Using a bent metal spatula (one should already be prepared for you in the lab, sterilize in between by dipping in 70% ethanol and running through the flame), gently scrape 3 of your 4 groups of cell spots from each plate together into one small area, careful so as not to disrupt the surface of the agar. Use the spatula to transfer the cells to the pre-filled 9mL of sterile water.
4. Repeat step 3 for each of your plates.
5. Important; WEAR EAR PROTECTION WHEN USING SONICATOR. Turn on the sonicator and sterilize the probe with isopropyl alcohol. Wipe excess with kimwipe and rinse in an empty tube of sterile water so there is no excess alcohol getting into your sample.
6. With the sonicator set to an intensity of 18.5, and using a 'blank' tube of 9mL of water without cells, determine where the probe should be within your sample so that your output is 20 Watts for 10 seconds. Then use that same probe placement for all samples. Tip: use the gradations on the falcon tube for this, and try to keep your hand placement on the tubes consistent as well.
7. Sonicate each sample at 20 Watts for 10 cycles each (1 cycle: 10 sec on, 30 sec off) for a total of 100 active seconds. This should deliver 2000J to your sample total. Sonicate just one sample at a time, sterilizing the probe with more isopropyl alcohol in between samples.
8. Incubate samples at 50C for 2 hrs.
9. While sonicated samples are incubating in the heat block, prepare your tubes of CTTSA. Each tube that you currently have will be split into three for technical replication. (Ex. if you have three tubes from the sonicator, you will dilute and plate those out on 9 total plates at the end.
10. Melt down the CTTSA in the microwave, make 4mL aliquots for each tube that you need, and keep warm in a water bath or heat block until you need them. You can also prep tubes for serial dilution (see below), and take out the CTTYE plates you will need so they can come to room temperature.
11. Once your samples are done heating, vortex to break up any clumps and you are ready to serial dilute.
12. From your well-mixed tube of collected spores, take 100uL of sample into 900uL of sterile water, a 1:10 dilution. Repeat for another 1:10 dilution, changing tips in between and ensuring that samples are well mixed. Then transfer 10uL into 4mL of CTTSA and pour over a room temp CTTYE plate (with Kan if cells are resistant). [Note: three is potential that if we get the spore assay working well, another 1:10 dilution may be necessary, but start here]
13. Allow CTTSA to solidify for 15min and put plates in incubator at 32C for 5 days. Count colonies and then back calculate from your serial dilution to determine the number of spores recovered.

== Phage protocols ==
== Phage protocols ==

Revision as of 13:53, 25 February 2024

Lab Floor Plan (with list of materials)

Detailed Lab Task Descriptions

General microbiology protocols

Media Recipes

Reagent Recipes

Working with Antibiotics

Freezing -80 Stocks

Freezing Aliquots

Competition Assays

Generic PCR

Gradient PCR

Running DNA Gels

Running SDS-PAGE Gels

Western Blot

Protein Purification

Protein Sample Concentration

Fixing Cells for Microscope/Flow Cytometry Work

Cloning and gene manipulation

Commonly Used Plasmids

Plasmid Purification

Digest and Ligation

Gel Purification

Creating Competent E. coli Cells


Transformation — non-competent E. coli

Gibson Assembly

SOE PCR (Splicing by Overlap-Extension)

Qubit dsDNA Broad Range Assay

Preparing Sanger Sequencing (Eurofins)

Preparing Plasmid Sequencing (plasmidsaurus)

Creating Lac- E. coli Mutants

Streptococcus pneumoniae protocols

Dual Layer Assays

Streptococcus DNA Extraction - Genome Prep

Streptococcus CRISPR-Cas9 Editing

Streptococcus Transformation

Streptococcus Growth Curve Protocol

Streptococcus Growth Curve and Cell Count in Liquid Media

Log Phase Growth Curve and Cell Count in Liquid Media

Streptococcus Bacteriocin (Dual Layer) Assays - Original

Streptococcus Bacteriocin (Dual Layer) Assays - Early Producer

Streptococcus Bacteriocin (Dual Layer) Assays - Light and Normal Target Lawns

Streptococcus Bacteriocin (Dual Layer) Assays - Finding Producer-Resistant Target Bacteria

Streptococcus Bacteriocin (Dual Layer) Assays - Finding Producer-Resistant Target Bacteria (6-well plate version)

Streptococcus mutans protocols

Streptococcus mutans Growth

Streptococcus mutans Transformation

Myxococcus xanthus protocols

Media Protocols

Culture Cells from a Frozen Stock

Making a Broth Culture from an Agar Plate

Updated Liquid Biological Waste Disposal Protocol (BSL1)

Generating Frozen Stocks of Strains

Measure Absorbance of M. xanthus Culture

Generate St Curve for OD600 to Cells/mL conversion

Development Assay on Agarose Plates

Rehydrating New Primers

PCR Amplification from Genome

Ligation of PCR product into TOPO 2.1 vector

Transform competent E. coli cells

Colony PCR to confirm correct insert

Plasmid Isolation with BioBasic Miniprep Kit

EcoRI digest of plasmid

Plate Colonies Using CTTSA

Electroporation and Plating of M. xanthus transformants

M. xanthus genomic DNA extraction with Zymo (yellow) kit

Image Analysis in Fiji

Prepping a Submerged Culture

Heat Fixing and Staining

Propidium Iodide Staining on Agar Plates

Spore Assay

1. Harvest overnight M. xanthus culture during log growth phase, wash twice in TPM, and concentrate to %x10^9 cells/ml. You will likely need several mL of culture to plate out a spore assay. Each large TPM plate will need 4 groups of 5 20uL spots (400uL per plate, where one plate = 1 replicate). You may wish to use the 15mL conical tubes and the centrifuge in superlab to prepare cells.

2. While you are washing and preparing cells, leave TPM plates open to dry by flame or under the hood so that drying time is lessened. DO NOT leave flame unattended.

3. Divide your plate into quadrants and in each quadrant, spot 5 20uL spots of cells at the proper density, just far apart enough so that your cell spots do not run into each other. Leave plates open until completely dry.

4. Cover plates, invert them, and store in the incubator for 5 days at 32C.

Day 2 (Read ahead to make sure you have the time set aside)

1. Remove plates from the incubator and image if desired.

2. Turn heat block to 50C in preparation, and check that you have enough sterile water to complete the below protocol. For each plate you prepared, you will need 9mL of sterile MiliQ water in a 15mL falcon tube (pre-filling and pre-labeling these tubes is recommended).

3. Using a bent metal spatula (one should already be prepared for you in the lab, sterilize in between by dipping in 70% ethanol and running through the flame), gently scrape 3 of your 4 groups of cell spots from each plate together into one small area, careful so as not to disrupt the surface of the agar. Use the spatula to transfer the cells to the pre-filled 9mL of sterile water.

4. Repeat step 3 for each of your plates.

5. Important; WEAR EAR PROTECTION WHEN USING SONICATOR. Turn on the sonicator and sterilize the probe with isopropyl alcohol. Wipe excess with kimwipe and rinse in an empty tube of sterile water so there is no excess alcohol getting into your sample.

6. With the sonicator set to an intensity of 18.5, and using a 'blank' tube of 9mL of water without cells, determine where the probe should be within your sample so that your output is 20 Watts for 10 seconds. Then use that same probe placement for all samples. Tip: use the gradations on the falcon tube for this, and try to keep your hand placement on the tubes consistent as well.

7. Sonicate each sample at 20 Watts for 10 cycles each (1 cycle: 10 sec on, 30 sec off) for a total of 100 active seconds. This should deliver 2000J to your sample total. Sonicate just one sample at a time, sterilizing the probe with more isopropyl alcohol in between samples.

8. Incubate samples at 50C for 2 hrs.

9. While sonicated samples are incubating in the heat block, prepare your tubes of CTTSA. Each tube that you currently have will be split into three for technical replication. (Ex. if you have three tubes from the sonicator, you will dilute and plate those out on 9 total plates at the end.

10. Melt down the CTTSA in the microwave, make 4mL aliquots for each tube that you need, and keep warm in a water bath or heat block until you need them. You can also prep tubes for serial dilution (see below), and take out the CTTYE plates you will need so they can come to room temperature.

11. Once your samples are done heating, vortex to break up any clumps and you are ready to serial dilute.

12. From your well-mixed tube of collected spores, take 100uL of sample into 900uL of sterile water, a 1:10 dilution. Repeat for another 1:10 dilution, changing tips in between and ensuring that samples are well mixed. Then transfer 10uL into 4mL of CTTSA and pour over a room temp CTTYE plate (with Kan if cells are resistant). [Note: three is potential that if we get the spore assay working well, another 1:10 dilution may be necessary, but start here]

13. Allow CTTSA to solidify for 15min and put plates in incubator at 32C for 5 days. Count colonies and then back calculate from your serial dilution to determine the number of spores recovered.

Phage protocols

Media and Passaging

Plaque Assays with Soft Agar

Serial Dilutions of Phage

Calculating Virus Titre

Measuring Burst Size

Interactions Protocols

Zone of Inhibition Assay

Remote Molecular Biology

Effect of Laboratory Protocols on Student Learning

Interesting Podcasts to Listen to When Doing Lab Work!

  • This Week in Microbiology
    • By Vincent Racaniello
    • 5 stars! Amazing podcast to learn all about different types of microbiology research! This podcast goes pretty in depth into different current scientific papers so it is a great way to learn about current research.
  • This Week in Virology
    • By Vincent Racaniello
  • Ologies
    • By Alie Ward
    • 5 stars! Great all around podcast made for a more general audience. There are many different episodes on scientific topics including Environmental Microbiology, Mathematical Biology, and much much more. This is a great podcast to explore different careers and listen to some amazing speakers.
  • Overheard at National Geographic
    • By National Geographic
    • 4 stars! Great podcast to hear about the many wonders of the world. It also has shorter episodes and is a great way to learn about the world.
  • Journey to the Micro Cosmos
    • 3 stars! Short 10 minute episodes about cool microbes.

Waste Disposal

Streptococcus suis protocols

Streptococcus suis Transformation

Measuring Absorbance in Streptococcus

Streptococcus DNA Extraction

Streptococcus Competence Induction

Peptide Synthesis

Peptide Cleavage

Mass Spectrometery

Plate Reader Assay and Growth Curve

Measuring Competence : Fixation and Flow Cytometry

Arabidopsis thaliana protocols

Creating Sterile Agar Plates

Sterile Seeding Protocol

Germination Protocol for ''Arabidopsis thaliana'' Seeds in Non-Sterile Experiments

Growth Stage Phenotype Definitions

Growth Conditions for ''Arabidopsis thaliana''

Measuring Light with HOBO Data Loggers

Inoculation of ''Arabidopsis thaliana'' with Microbes

Removal and DNA Extraction of Phyllosphere Microbes


Measuring ''A. thaliana'' Phenotype using FIJI by Hand

DNeasy PowerSoil Protocol

Fiji Measurement

Making Boxes

Growing ''A. thaliana'' for Seed Harvest

Growing ''A. thaliana'' in Cut Pipet Tips

Cambridge protocols

Storage buffer

transformation of R5(2)-mCh-FL-BST and


lysis and immobilization

Bio320 Microbe Species Wikipedia Pages

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